Sunday, November 13, 2011


Aw yeah! Today's topic is going to be about all the dances I've learned so far! :D Whee~ Take a ride down the links to Youtube and challenge yourself to learn the dances too!

First off, to save time, this is my current playlist: Dance!! *O* You can see how I have them organized and be all stalkerish and jazz! I try to go through the playlist on a regular basis, doing all the dances in that order. Sometimes I just practice LUCIFER though!

And here it is, LUCIFER By SHINee! *U*
This dance is epic fun times but I still can't do it at full speed without tripping up. xD I've mastered 1/2 speed though! That's an accomplishment!
My friends and I decided to learn the dance together! I'm learning the part of the guy in the white baseball cap (because my friend called the lead...).

The next one is the first dance I ever learned, LOVE&JOY. It's FAST! I love it, but I'm still so surprised that this was the dance I wanted to learn first.... xD It took me roughly a month to learn with my low stamina keeping me down! My stamina is much better now though. I can do ALL the dances I've learned in a row and hardly break a sweat! :D

Hare Hare Yukai is a favorite because it doesn't last long!!  The fact that it's short enough that I don't get tired at all makes me happy. Note that I'm not listing these dances in the same order as my playlist. That's because I can. :D

I'm still fine-tuning the Clover Club dance, all the footwork and jazz is hard. :/ I have no idea what the lyrics are about, but that's okay because the dance is cute. Though I probably don't look as good as Miku when I dance it. ;A;

Possibly the hardest dance of them all is Cirno's Perfect Math Class because when you turn on one foot at the beginning in a circle it's better to wear socks, but when you jump from side to side when it says "Baka, Baka!" you slip because of the socks!! QuQ But if you wear shoes, the part wear you turn in a circle is near impossible!! Maybe it would be easier on carpeting...

Danjo Dance is the silliest! XD I don't even know what to say about the fact that I've not only learned the dance, but can sing the lyrics too...

And lastly but firstly on my playlist is CaramellDansen. This is my warmup dance. It took me some time before I could get past this whole 3 minute dance without my sides hurting really bad...

And that concludes the list of dances I've learned! A whole 6 1/2 (LUCIFER is only 1/2 because I can only do it half speed) dances not including the two dances I technically know but are boring to me so I never do them anymore! Hooray! :D I'm totally going to win a prize at next years Animazement.

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